The Statewide Speech and Language Service continues to provide valuable support to Western Australian public schools to help young children with speech and language difficulties.

In Term 4, 2012 the Statewide Speech and Language Service commenced implementation of a new integrated service model which aims to strengthen language expertise available to students and provide greater support to schools and Teachers.

Each of the Language Development facilities are now responsible for delivering early intervention programs to support student learning through a professional learning model for Teachers, via an outreach service for schools. 

Peel Language Development School Statewide Speech and Language Service services government schools in the South Metropolitan, South West and East Kimberley region. Our team includes Speech Pathologists and Teachers led by the School Principal and Deputy Principal to enhance oral language and literacy by providing the following services:

  • school consultations
  • developing key leaders in professional learning
  • providing network and school based professional learning
  • mentoring schools in achieving their targets
  • supporting staff to implement intensive language programs
  • workshadowing
  • parent information sessions

Schools have access to outreach services and professional learning through school and regional service requests, Principal Networks and the Institute for Professional Learning. This move builds on the Department of Education's commitment to sharing and developing expertise in and across all schools. If you would like to access our service please contact us.